
Programmes & Projects
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  • Programmes & Projects

The Foundation’s Projects and Programmes are defined by 5 thematic or focus areas summarized under the CARES acronym:

C - Community Development (Health & Education)

Community Development entails health and education projects, football

infrastructure and equipment for deprived football communities.

A - Assistance to Underprivileged People & Groups

Assistance to underprivileged people and groups include support to people with special needs, persons living with disabilities, victims of football, stadium and natural disasters, campaigns such as road safety, domestic violence and child trafficking.

R - Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

The sustainability policy ensures that the GFA adopts the 3Rs, that is, Reduce waste, Reuse old items in new ways and Recycle old and useless items into new and useful things in all its work processes at the secretariat, football centres, activities, projects and programmes.

E - Educate Fans on Hooliganism, Fair play and Integrity

Educate fans on hooliganism, fair play and integrity and to harness their passion for the game towards positive and noble causes the Foundation will be embarking on.

S - Support for welfare of ex-national players and football officials.


Provide support for the welfare of ex-national players and football officials who are in distress or need.A skills training transition programme for footballers and officials after their football careers to ensure that they are gainfully employed in order not become a burden on their families or communities.

The above should be image frames with the small write-ups under them.

Project Selection

The GFA Foundation selects projects for implementation based on the following criteria.

  • Must be within the CARES Thematic Areas
  • Must be linked to national or international priorities or goals. Eg. National Malaria or HIV/AIDS Policy, SDGs, etc.
  • Project must be driven by community needs assessment.
  • Confirmation of undertaking a similar project or a previous edition or the existence of a feasibility study conducted for a new initiative.
  • Must be sustainable for a foreseeable future.
  • Have a broad community impact, both direct and indirect.
  • Should be able to be replicated and scaled up.
  • The project budget must be realistic and in tune with Foundation’s financial plan.
  • Proof of quality of relevant expertise in the project implementation team.
  • Notwithstanding meeting all the selection criteria above, the GFA Foundation reserves the right to decline support for the project based on the overall strategic intent.