
Debutants Fosu Royals pick first win, Prisons Ladies lose at home

8 months ago

Tamale super ladies defeated Prisons ladies by a lone goal.

Tamale Super ladies were under pressure in the early minutes of the game whilst prisons ladies made serious incursions in the attacking area of Tamale super ladies, Helena Obeng and Abigail Tutuwaa got opportunities to shoot the home side into the lead but their efforts were thwarted by the defenders of the away side.

Tamale Super Ladies began to warm themselves into the game and got a penalty in the 39th minute which was beautifully converted by Asana Alhassan. The game ended 1:0 in favor of the Tamale based side.

Elsewhere, Debutants, Fosu Royal ladies won their first game in the top flight against Supreme Ladies. The debutants, got the game underway with some fierce exchanges from both sides.

Fosu Royal ladies were marginally on top of the initial exchanges and it wasn’t surprising they snatched a goal in the 8th minute through Charity Ankomah.

Supreme ladies, down by a goal, began to pile pressure on Fosu Royal ladies and within a minute, Ruth Ayayee snatched the equalizer for supreme ladies.

Gloria Adomako Ameaa put the home side infront in the 84th minute. Supreme ladies dictated the pace in the last minutes of the game but couldn’t utilise their chances as the game ended 2-1 in favor of Fosu Royals.

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