
Congress votes on term of Presidency

13 years ago

Congress closed today with the unanimous passing of two proposed amendments into the Statutes of the Ghana Football Association.

Delegates present at the Extra-Ordinary Session of Congress of the Ghana Football Association at Prampram voted unanimously in favour of the proposals.

Article 29: Executive Committee

Clause 29.3

Previous Text: At its maiden meeting the Executive Committee shall elect from its membership the Vice President of the Committee.

New Text: At its maiden meeting the Executive Committee shall elect from its membership the Vice President of the FA.

Reason: The original text created a position of Vice President for just the Executive Committee but not for the FA. The new text seeks to correct that anomaly.

Article 30: Length of Mandate

Clause 30.2

Previous Text: The length of mandate of the President, members of the Executive Committee and the Regional and District Football Association Chairmen shall be four (4) years in the year following a FIFA World Cup, the President and members of the Executive Committee are eligible of re-election.

New Text: The length of mandate of the President, members of the Executive Committee and the Regional and District Football Association Chairmen shall be four (4) years: Their mandate shall begin immediately after they have been sworn-in at a Congress which shall be organised separately from the one in which the President/Chairmen were elected. The President and members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election.

Reason: To allow time for transition.