Congress closed today with the unanimous passing of two proposed amendments into the Statutes of the Ghana Football Association.
Delegates present at the Extra-Ordinary Session of Congress of the Ghana Football Association at Prampram voted unanimously in favour of the proposals.
Article 29: Executive Committee
Clause 29.3
Previous Text: At its maiden meeting the Executive Committee shall elect from its membership the Vice President of the Committee.
New Text: At its maiden meeting the Executive Committee shall elect from its membership the Vice President of the FA.
Reason: The original text created a position of Vice President for just the Executive Committee but not for the FA. The new text seeks to correct that anomaly.
Article 30: Length of Mandate
Clause 30.2
Previous Text: The length of mandate of the President, members of the Executive Committee and the Regional and District Football Association Chairmen shall be four (4) years in the year following a FIFA World Cup, the President and members of the Executive Committee are eligible of re-election.
New Text: The length of mandate of the President, members of the Executive Committee and the Regional and District Football Association Chairmen shall be four (4) years: Their mandate shall begin immediately after they have been sworn-in at a Congress which shall be organised separately from the one in which the President/Chairmen were elected. The President and members of the Executive Committee are eligible for re-election.
Reason: To allow time for transition.