
Brong Ahafo Regional Clubs undergo training on Digital registration and QR Code for new season

1 year ago

IT managers of Football Clubs in the Brong Ahafo Region have trained on the newly introduced Digital registration & QR Code for registered players and officials.

The one day training that took place at Sunyani on Wednesday, July 5, 2023 in was attended by IT Managers of Division Two, Division Three, Women’s Division One and Juvenile Clubs in the Western Region.

With the registration of players and officials for the season already underway, it is imperative that the GFA takes IT managers of the various clubs through training before the season kicks off.

I.T Director of the Ghana Football Association Francis Adu is the training lead with support from Joel Hadzie.

The Ghana Football Association from next season will not print out players and officials’ license as the licenses will be generated by the clubs themselves for their matches.

In this regard, IT officials of Premier League and Women's Premier League clubs have already received a one-day training in the lead up to the new registration window. Premier League and Division One League referees, Match Commissioners, Division One League clubs and clubs in the Regional Leagues will soon embark on a similar exercise regarding the changes in the IT system.

This improvement prevents fraudulent swapping of pictures on the player Licence cards.

Digital ID also enables users to take their credentials anywhere they go and for Referees and match Commissioners to have easy access to the squad list on their phones or any digital device.

Digital ID cards avoids spelling mistakes on handwritten team sheets by rather using mobile devices by officials for inspection.

A QR code will be generated for players and officials of each club, which when scanned reveal all the Licenses of the clubs registered players and officials.

This innovation is one of several improvements that the GFA have rolled up in relation to its IT Improvement Pillar in its strategic objectives.

The Ghana Football Association remains committed to continuous improvement.