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Accra to host CAF Club Licensing Regional Workshop in May

3 months ago

The Ghana Football Association (GFA) will host 15 other African Member Associations for the CAF Club Licensing Regional Workshops 2024 from May 19–23, 2024, in Accra.

At the regional workshop in Accra, representatives from Egypt, Nigeria, Liberia, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Kenya, South Africa, Eswatini, Lesotho, Botswana, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Guinea Bissau, São Tomé e Príncipe, and Botswana will be attending.

After a successful implementation phase of the CLOP system, CAF will begin the "CAF Club Licensing Regional Workshops from April 22-26, 2024 in Nouakchott, Mauritania.

Similar Regional Workshops will be held in Algiers, Addis Ababa before Ghana takes its turn to host other Associations.

The workshops will provide the ideal platform for Member Associations to convene and share best practices, implementation methods and success stories, as well as discuss challenges and the next targets in relation to the CAF CLOP system.

All 54 CAF Member Associations will attend the workshops, with the aim of achieving the following goals:

  • Provide updates on the usage of the CAF Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP) for the club licensing procedure.
  • Review the status of the implementation of the Club Licensing System in the Member Associations' national competitions.
  • Ensure that the Member Associations are ready to communicate the licensing decisions before the set deadline for clubs' engagement in CAF Inter-club competitions 2024–25 (men's and women's).
  • Conduct a refresher session on stadium pre-inspection procedures.
  • Train Club Licensing Managers (CLM) in using the CLOP, specifically the stadium module.
  • Conduct practical on-site stadium inspection training.

Full regional workshops schedule:

Nouakchott (Mauritania)

  • Language: French
  • Date: 22 – 26 April 2024
  • Participating MAs: Mauritania (host), Morocco, Senegal, Mali, Togo, Benin, Tunisia, Equatorial Guinea,          Gabon, DR Congo, Congo, and Burkina Faso

Algiers (Algeria)

  • Language: French
  • Date: 29 April – 03 May 2024
  • Participating MAs: Algeria (host), Ivory Coast, Cameroon, Burundi, Central African Republic, Comoros, Chad, Djibouti, Madagascar, Guinea, and Niger

Addis Ababa (Ethiopia)

  • Language: English
  • Date: May 8–12, 2024
  • Participating MAs: Ethiopia (Host), Eritrea, Somalia, Seychelles, Zambia, Malawi, Namibia, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Libya, Uganda, Rwanda, Zanzibar (guest)

Accra (Ghana)

  • Language: English and Portuguese
  • Date: May 19–23, 2024
  • Participating MAs: Ghana (host), Egypt, Nigeria, Liberia, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Kenya, South Africa, Eswatini, Lesotho, Botswana, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau, and São Tomé and Príncipe